Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ocean Waves and Rachel Ray

Yesterday was raining all day so Dakine didn't have a chance to get out. So today we went to the beach so she could run her little heart out. I took some beautiful pictures of our day. I think the beach always looks so pretty after a rain storm.

There were so many other dogs there today. We met another couple with a dog that looked very similar to Dakine, and the funniest thing was how similar their personalities were. They would bark and snap at each other. If you didn't know they were playing, you might have mistook it for aggregation. It was cool that the other couple we met were chill :)

Dakine also decided to chase after a crow, and she almost caught it. We couldn't believe it!!! Other people on the beach were clapping for her. Then the bird decided to start dive bombing her back, and that was enough for her. She was done with the game after that and come running back. I wonder what would have happened if she had caught it???

Tonight for dinner I made an AWESOME Rachel Ray recipe. It really did taste like french onion soup, I couldn't believe it. Served with a small side salad and dinner was to die for. I made it with whole wheat pasta, and only cooked it for 5 minuets. This really made a big difference. Whole wheat pasta taste so much more hearty and flavorfull. I don't think I will ever cook white flour pasta again. I then let the pasta finish cooking in the sauce (like the recipe recommends). Here is a link to the recipe:

All in all, today was full of good food and good views. It's back to work tomorrow :)

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